Red Cliffs Community Resource Centre

RCCRC has just launched a support group exclusively for unpaid carers in our community.

Building community connections
Red Cliffs Community Resource Centre can connect you with resources, services and activities available in the community and at the centre.
As the community hub of Red Cliffs, we bring people together to learn, grow, socialise and get the support they need to thrive.
We are a central point from which people can build connections and share a sense of pride for the community they belong to.
Having a sense of belonging to your community is vital for health and wellbeing. It is also the foundation of a vibrant, sustainable community.

Creating social inclusion
Community spirit runs thick in Red Cliffs, and there is sure to be an activity or interest group for everybody.
We encourage everyone to get involved in their community, voice their needs, and take action to create positive changes for themselves and others.
Our centre fosters inclusiveness by offering a non-judgmental space that embraces all backgrounds.
Disability access at the centre includes wheelchair access to most areas, and a disabled toilet.
See our activities and events. Discover groups in the community that interest you.

Empowering people through adult education
We help people make positive changes for their future, through Adult Education.
Our courses, classes and other activities are a platform to learn new skills and dive in to opportunities to make a great contribution to the community.
Government funded ACFE Learn Local courses are available through our centre. In addition to being affordable, these courses are high quality and inclusive.
Our Centre advocates life long learning. We believe that a desire for continual learning is the catalyst for enrichment, resilience and independence.

Transforming a vibrant, sustainable community
Our centre is run for the community, by the community. Because of this, we work to discover the needs of the community. We then empower people to be a part of the solution in addressing those needs.
Community members are encouraged to voice their ideas and vision for creating a vibrant, sustainable community.

Sharing skills & resources
Red Cliffs Community Resource Centre welcomes community members to hire our facilities to share their skills and knowledge.
We have internal databases of services and resources available for residents. Linking people in with the support they need to thrive, is a part of what we do.
Services such as photocopying, printing, laminating and battery drop off are also available at the centre.
Link in with support services.
Hire our facilities.
See our photocopying and printing services.
Happenings at our Centre

Be Connected is an Australia wide initiative empowering all Australians to thrive in a digital world.
We have online learning resources as well as a network of community partners – the Be Connected Network – who offer support so you can develop your digital skills and confidence. Find a local place for friendly help and advice, or join the Network to help others.

Learn Local providers can help you get the skills you need for study, work and life. They offer a range of training programs that can help you return to study, improve your digital, reading, writing and maths skills, get a job, change careers or learn something new.
Men's Shed Movement
Our Men’s Shed is one of more than 1000 Men’s Sheds in Australia governed by the Australian Men’s Shed Association (AMSA).
The Men’s Shed movement is a powerful tool in addressing health and wellbeing in men by bringing them together as productive members of our community.
Our members come from all walks of life–the bond that unites them is that they are men with time on their hands who would like something meaningful to do with that time.